Performance Vista
Performance vista with Butcher & Correia, anemometer, support jacks, lifting straps, construction helmets, reflective vests, and HOEFLON C10 crane.
Variable dimensions.
Performance Vista is a pleasing sight between a long narrow row of trees; a succession of anticipated events, a vision, a view of a series of actions in the mind, a performance vista played out, unfolding retrospectively and prospectively., -Katherine Butcher & Carlos A. Correia.
Performance vista with Butcher & Correia, anemometer, support jacks, lifting straps, construction helmets, reflective vests, and HOEFLON C10 crane.
Variable dimensions.
Performance Vista is a pleasing sight between a long narrow row of trees; a succession of anticipated events, a vision, a view of a series of actions in the mind, a performance vista played out, unfolding retrospectively and prospectively., -Katherine Butcher & Carlos A. Correia.